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Are you looking for Run Flat Tyres Wolverhampton for your vehicle?

UHP (=Ultra High-Performance) Tyres and Run-on-flat tyres are among the safest and most reliable tyres on the market. For many vehicle classes, they are already part of the standard equipment from the factory. What many do not yet know, not only sports cars are on the road with these tyres, now UHP and RFT tyres are also found in small cars, minivans, mid and compact class vehicles to off-road vehicles.
But what exactly are UHP and Rft tyres?
These are tyres that are approved with extreme width formats and diameters and for speeds of 150 mph and more. Previously, these tyres Wolverhampton were mostly used by sports cars drivers, today they are mostly standard and are part of the familiar street scene.
Conventional tyres are no longer able to cope with the demands and stresses that the maximum speeds of many vehicle models come with.
The wider tyres have significant advantages over "normal" tyres regarding lane change, stability and precision!
Run-flat tyres (tyres with emergency function)
Run-flat tyres (Rft) are tyres that can be driven even in the event of a puncture. The tyres have reinforced side walls so that the shape remains unchanged even after damage.
Buy you Performance tyres or Run-flat tyres at unbeatable prices - in Wolverhampton - at Junction 11 Motors!
Special tyres require special assembly
High-speed tyres require special assembly technology, appropriate machinery and qualified technicians. At Junction 11 Motors in Wolverhampton, we can provide all that. We can guarantee professional handling of these special tyres.
The benefits of run-flat tyres:
- It is no longer necessary to carry a spare wheel
- Less space is taken in the boot and less weight on the vehicle which means lower fuel consumption.
- You can still drive for up to 80 miles (50 mph) even after a puncture.
On our Junction 11 Motors website, you will be able to find a vast variety of UHP and Run-flat tyres in all major sizes and from many different manufacturers. You will be spoilt for choice.